Main image for the current blog post

Your photography business is up and running, and you’ve even built an email list of people interested in hearing what you have to say.

But now you find yourself staring at a blank screen.

What do you say? What should you include in your photography newsletter?

In this post, we’ll share 10 ideas for your photography business newsletter, plus some extra tips to help you make the most of your newsletter.

10 Ideas for Your Photography Newsletter

Next time you sit down to write an email to your subscribers and are feeling uninspired, try some of these ideas for your photography newsletter.

what to say in a photography newsletter a photographers guide

1. Information about upcoming events, products, and offerings

Your newsletter is an opportunity to promote your products, offerings, and events to your subscribers. Get your readers excited about your next mini session, a new location or backdrop you’re offering, or your latest products.

Even better, include exclusive sneak peeks and VIP-only offers. Information, discounts, or special offers that are only available through your newsletters will keep readers coming back for more.

2. Your latest blog posts

If you have a blog on your photography website, feature your latest posts in your newsletter. Include a short blurb and a link for your posts to encourage subscribers to visit your website and read more. 

Too many blog posts to feature them all? Depending on how often you send your newsletter, you can feature your most popular blog post of the last month, or the blog post that generated the most conversation.

3. Photos from a recent session

An obvious choice for a photography newsletter is to feature some of your work! Share the best photos from a recent session, or some images from your portfolio that you love. 

One idea to encourage clicks is to blur an image from a recent session, encouraging your subscribers to “click to reveal the image.” Link the image to a blog post about the session. This isn’t a strategy you should use every time, but it can be very successful if used sparingly.

4. A popular post on your social media

Gain more followers and drive more engagement for your Facebook or Instagram by linking to a recent popular post. Encourage your subscribers to join the conversation by leaving a comment. This is especially effective if you ask a question that your subscribers can respond to in the post’s comment section. 

5. Behind the scenes photos

Treat your subscribers to some exclusive behind the scenes photos of one of your shoots. This can include photos of you scoping out a location, posing your clients, shooting, and so on. 

Explain the images by describing your process. What do you look for in a location? How do you pose your clients? Why do you shoot the way you do? By sharing a peek behind the scenes, you’ll let your subscribers know what to expect when they book a session with you. 

6. Helpful how-tos

Your newsletter shouldn’t only be about promoting your photography business. It should also be about building trust with your subscribers. This means adding value and sharing helpful content that makes them excited to open your emails.

Share outfit advice, tips on preparing for a photo shoot, checklists, answers to frequently asked questions, posing tips, and so on. If you already have a client guide, repurpose the content into bite-sized tips to feature in your newsletter.

You can also share advice on how to take better personal photos on their phones. How can they capture the best photos on vacation? Do you have a favorite way to organize and backup your phone images that you can share? How can they use their phone timer to take photos when no one else is around? 

7. Freebies and giveaways

Similarly, offer occasional freebies to your VIP clients (your newsletter subscribers). These freebies can be simple, like Lightroom presets or backgrounds for their computer/phone. 

You can also host giveaways through your newsletter, such as mini sessions or prints. Or, you can partner with a local vendor to give away a themed package (e.gValentine's Day package with flowers and a couple’s session).

8. Storytelling

Share a little story from a recent session, something your subscribers won’t find on your blog or social media. Did a shoot go spectacularly? Share the story behind how you got an especially incredible shot. Or did something funny happen? Did a problem arise that you were able to creatively solve? 

9. Testimonials

Occasionally feature glowing testimonials from your clients. Testimonials can be boring, but highlighting one recent testimonial every once in a while won’t turn your subscribers off. In fact, a positive testimonial (alongside your beautiful images and helpful content) can encourage them to book a session.

10. Non-photography content

Although your newsletter is photography-focused, it doesn’t need to be only about photography. Think about your audience and the type of non-photography content that may be helpful and interesting to them.

If you’re a wedding photographer, feature a few date night ideas. If you specialize in family photography, share a few upcoming events that families may enjoy. You can also link to articles or resources that will be helpful to your audience, whether that’s new parents, business professionals, or newlyweds.

newsletters for photographers

Tips to Make the Most of Your Photography Newsletter

  • Know who is subscribed to your newsletter so you know how to target your content to them. Send out surveys if you need to gather more information. You can even send out a survey asking what type of content your readers would like to see.
  • Balance promotional content with content that’s helpful and valuable to your audience. If your newsletter is all promo all the time, readers will stop opening it or even unsubscribe.
  • Vary the types of content in your newsletter (text, infographics, photos, videos, etc.). Varied content is more appealing to the eye and more engaging. You don’t want readers to open your email and see a wall of text.
  • Keep it conversational. Your newsletter should be friendly, fun, and easy to read. If the content is dry or technical, readers will lose interest. 
  • Be consistent in both branding and scheduling. Having a consistent look and feel for your newsletter makes it easily identifiable. And subscribers should know how often to expect your newsletter, whether that’s biweekly, monthly, or quarterly. Be realistic and choose a schedule that you can maintain.
  • Include a footer that links to your website, socials, and anywhere else you’d like to drive your audience. For example, you may want to include a link to leave a review for your business.

10 ideas for your photography newsletter

Start Creating Photography Newsletter Content!

Consistently creating content for your photography newsletter can be challenging. We hope that these ideas and tips have left you feeling inspired and ready to share quality content with your subscribers.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Promote products, events, and offerings
  • Share your latest blog posts
  • Include favorite photos from recent sessions
  • Link to a popular post on your socials
  • Feature behind the scenes photos from a shoot and share your process
  • Offer helpful how-tos, freebies, and giveaways
  • Tell a story
  • Feature occasional testimonials
  • Be creative and include non-photography content that’s helpful to your audience

Know your audience, share valuable (and sometimes exclusive) content, and keep your newsletter friendly and fun, and your subscribers will look forward to reading your emails!

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