What's New

Discover the latest features and updates within Picsello

Email & Dashboard Updates

June 28, 2023
picsello email updates


  • You may have noticed that your email modal now includes the ability to CC and BCC!
  • We’ve added the ability to include international phone numbers in support of our upcoming release of currency customization for non-US photographers.
  • As a part of our dashboard redesign from a while ago—we added some high-level views of your business so you have a better snapshot when you log into Picsello. This also helps new users get started with Picsello with curated content/help when they don’t quite have any data yet.


  • Some user experience changes to the package modal
  • Photographers can now preview the client-side credits on the gallery
  • Some copy changes for clarity throughout the application
  • We noticed a minor bug that the cover photo was sporadically showing, this is now fixed
  • A couple more minor bugfixes

Proofing Fixes

June 7, 2023


  • Calculator update to have your starting gross salary be $65,000
  • As a part of our ethos to always keep your images secure, we have enabled password protection by default on finals and proofing galleries.
  • Client order confirmation email is now more transparent with pricing and shipping information

New Navigation

May 31, 2023
picsello navigation updates


We redesigned our navigation! As Picsello has grown and added features, we discovered we need to do a better job of helping you navigate around all of them. This includes both the top navigation as well as “hamburger menu” - tucked in the upper left, it is a great place to go to access anywhere you will need to go in your account.

Other changes:

  • Updated our WHCC integration based on changes they had on their end
  • New and improved package modal that is easier to use and is more transparent with information passed over to Stripe for taxes


  • Minor fix to our Intercom integration to show that you are logged in or not

Shipping Update

May 26, 2023
picsello shipping updates and digital download updates


  • We completely revamped how shipping is calculated in Picsello to better support your clients through WHCC
  • In addition to our gallery pricing update from a few weeks ago, we now have separated galleries per client email even further. This will drive more revenue for you and be sure the client you want to have credits for uses them vs. someone else.
  • For example, Grandma decides to order prints from the gallery when the intention was for your actual client to order prints using the credit you gave them.
  • In proofing, it was confusing to have both favoriting and selection of photos; we have disabled client favoriting in proofing galleries only


  • We saw a minor miscalculation in booking event slots, this is now resolved
  • Updated the gallery analytics section to be displayed in your timezone vs. the timezone of our servers
  • Some copy changes throughout the web app for clarity

Gallery Pricing Update

May 9, 2023
picsello gallery pricing update


We are excited to announce that you can adjust your gallery pricing after a shoot has been booked. This also includes:

  • Adjusting the digital image “Buy them all price”
  • Adjusting the price per digital image and value of print credits
  • Each gallery now has its own pricing
  • Ability to create multiple galleries per job to better support both school and sports photographers


  • We tweaked some of the underlying calculations to the pricing calculator + some visual design tweaks
  • Many other fixes that aren’t worthy of note!

Backend Upgrade

April 23, 2023
picsello edit shoot details update


We added a custom date picker to certain parts of the app that may feel a little more user-friendly than the one that comes with most browsers!


We launched a ton of upgrades to the underlying structure of Picsello. Typically these upgrades don’t mean much to you outside of security fixes and allowing our developer team to build things better and faster!

Calculator Fixes

April 22, 2023


Minor change to the pricing calculator to calculate the price per shoot/package based on revenue vs. salary

Gallery: Whodunit?!

April 12, 2023
picsello gallery analytics updates
picsello contracts update


Gallery Analytics

We are excited to announce you can now view who has logged into shared client galleries! This allows you to keep track of who and when client galleries are viewed. Go to a gallery overview page to check it out.

Gallery Shipping

We’ve removed gallery shipping from the base product print pricing. This also allows your clients to select the shipping speed they prefer and pay directly when ordering their gallery products!

Global Editing of Contracts

You can now edit your contracts in a singular place versus when you are creating a package. We have found this will streamline many workflows for many photographers. We appreciate your feedback!


  • Minor fixes to the Gallery watermark system
  • Minor fixes to archiving Jobs
  • Minor fixes to downloading to a PDF download
  • Fixed “Cammy” not saying hello to you!
  • Fixed payment schedules inaccuracies 
  • Fixed duplicating a client Booking Event and the impact on packages

Hey, It’s Me, Cammy!

April 4, 2023
Help Center


We have a new help chat that will deliver Picsello news, help you get in touch with us even faster, and guide new photographers get started with Picsello. You are likely already seeing and using this update in your communications with our Customer Success team!


  • Fixed an issue where emails coming into Picsello were missing an id mapping the communication to your job
  • Fixed an issue with Booking Events related to when a client selects offline payment

Validate the Watermark

April 2, 2023


  • We saw some errors in which a watermark didn’t meet certain requirements, we added some validation to help prevent that from happening

Enter the Watermark

March 30, 2023


  • Fixed an issue related to adding a gallery watermark when “enter” was pressed

Link Me Not

March 29, 2023


  • Fixed a minor problem in payment schedules
  • Removed a help article link that didn’t take you anywhere

Not So Expired

March 28, 2023


  • Solved galleries being marked “expired” when a job is moved to “complete”
  • Adjusted some confusing language on invoices

Better Supporting You

March 23, 2023


Lead/Job page redesign with filters

We’ve released an important update to help you better manage your leads and jobs. With the new table views, you can archive, complete, and filter leads/jobs as you see fit. We’ve also added sorting so you can focus on the most relevant information at the right time.

Other additions:

  • For a better user experience, your clients can now favorite photos right from the lightbox carousel instead of having to click out of it
  • To better support your needs, we’ve added some new backend features that help Customer Success with responding to questions and diagnosing issues to get you back to running your business through Picsello


  • Uploading galleries by folder was not working on Safari
  • Pagination refactor and fix across the app
  • Due date of booking proposals on invoice
  • Spring cleaning starts early with lots of other little bug fixes


March 16, 2023


  • Some backend improvements to how we sync promotion codes for you to use
  • Minor bugfix to client booking and some internal developer tool tweaks

You Get a Code! And You Get a Code!

March 7, 2023


  • We are excited to now offer the ability to apply promo codes to your Picsello subscription. Marketing will be working on lots of great offers throughout the year for when you need to sign-up or renew your subscription.


  • Added error monitoring for the JavaScript code that we use on the application